Thursday, December 17, 2009

7 Advantages to Being In A Business Partnership

While many entrepreneurs are sole proprietors, consider another option. The right business partnership offers a number of advantages to everyone involved.

The feeling of isolation is over. As a sole proprietor, business owners are often alone in the decision-making, strategizing and creative processes. Having the right partner to bounce ideas off of alleviates the need to go it alone.

Partnering with the right person expands creativity and possibilities for broader offerings and services. With each individual bringing their unique strengths to the table, new possibilities become feasible.

Risks and responsibilities are shared. Having the right partner helps shoulder the weight and lightens

Personal growth flourishes through the challenges of the partner’s relationship. Creating a successful partnership requires knowing oneself and having the ability to openly and honestly communicate and listen well.

Someone else can carry the ball when a partner attends to a personal situation. Sole proprietors often need to put their businesses on hold when personal issues arise.

The division of labor reflects the strengths of each partner. Sole proprietors, are left to do all the work themselves, regardless of their own personal strengths. Having a partner allows them to focus on the work that is best suited to them.

Bottom line increases. Clients will see the increased value of broader offerings from this newly expanded service.

While the right partnership offers many benefits, the wrong partnership can end painfully and at great expense.

1 comment:

  1. Having a business partner can improve your business. The help and assistance a partner provides can be converted to business development. Just make sure that your business partner will help you whatever happens, and also make sure to reciprocate the gesture.

    >Matthew Engquist
